Qualifications Sought in Projects
Qualifications Sought in Projects
It is expected that projects to be supported under the HIT-30 Program will carry some or all of the following qualifications.

Focus on Emerging Technologies
Technological advancements can lead to profound changes and disruptions in existing sectors. Investments made in a timely manner to adapt to these transformations increase the potential for success. Each day, new successful examples of this approach continue to emerge.
Projects eligible for support are expected to focus on emerging technologies in priority investment areas that are predicted to have greater economic impact and strategic importance in the future compared to present day. Investments in products that are based on traditional technologies, face difficulties in market entry, already operate in established and highly competitive conditions, and have a negative growth trend do not fall within the scope of the Program.
Economic Scale for Competitiveness
The scale of the investment is one of the determining factors in the competitiveness and sustainability of the investments in the relative technologies. Achieving a critical scale is crucial for many parameters such as R&D and innovation capacity, supply chain management, and unit costs. Projects to be supported under the program are expected not only to be competitive at the national level but also at the global level as a result of the essential economic scale need for competitiveness.
Investments are expected to be made at a scale that ensures competitiveness at the global level, tailored to the requirements of each investment subject.

Technical Competence and Financial Capability
The successful execution of high-tech investments and the development of competitive products are more challenging compared to other investment areas. Especially in projects with global objectives, technical and financial competence becomes significantly more crucial.
Investments supported under the program will require investors to have a strong financial structure and sufficient experience in the relevant field. Strategic partnerships and collaborations with stakeholders known for their international expertise will be considered as supporting factors in the success of a project.
Incorporation of Technological Gains
Merely being the producer of the targeted product in the related technology areas is deemed insufficient for high value-added production. Additionally, possessing technical knowledge and intellectual property rights related to the product and production process is considered a crucial factor that enhances the economic and strategic importance of the investment.
A significant criterion for investments to be supported under the program will be the possession of know-how, expertise, intellectual and industrial property rights related to the product, production process, and technologies. Projects that attain this quality through technology transfer partnerships or R&D activities will be prioritized.

Strategic Added Value
Projects will be evaluated based on their ability to create strategic value in the supply of critical products in the relevant field. This involves not only the production of a single product but also providing gains that enable value chain integration in the respective technology area.